Garage Door Service

See The Hottest New Garage Door In Kansas City!

Amarr’s Italian Door wows Attendees at Expo 2013 Amarr’s Trento Collection, a “trackless, springless” garage  door from Italy, stole the show at Expo 2013, according to our  annual “Hottest New Products at Expo” survey*. (See survey  details at end of story.) This novel two-section door, expected to  be available in September, attracted constant traffic throughout  Expo,

Overhead High Speed Industrial Doors

"The ease of installation was impressive!" As a new customer for industrial curtains, I had searched the internet for high quality and durable outside industrial curtains. Many companies had the standard, thinner material. The representative recommended the thicker, more durable curtains. Our ministry is located in the Midwest where it is common to have high

Commercial & Residential Garage Doors in Kansas City

Superior Door Service has installed, serviced and repaired commercial and residential garage doors around the Kansas City metro area for years... These are just a few of the great looks and functional doors we have done. If you are are looking at an aging overhead door or looking to build a new property, give us

Accent Garage Doors in Kansas City

Accent Garage Doors Are Available In KC! The beauty of wood. The durability of steel. The quality of Superior Door Service. The natural luxury and warmth of wood gives any home greater appeal and sophistication. With accents wood grain finishes, you can now achieve the look you've always wanted. When examined closely, you'll see an

Superior Garage Door Service In Olathe

By Bob Millbern, Olathe "The manager called back to as if I needed help getting in the front door and offered to help my wife get me in since the service man was 45 minutes away. This was much appreciated and I thanked him. Few things brighten this world like kindness. Thank you for living

Your fire doors in Kansas City need an annual exam!

So many wonderful occasions happen just once a year: taxes, your annual physical, buying new tabs for your vehicles. Some of you might procrastinate, waiting until 11:59pm on April 15th. There are some annual events you just can't delay, as not meeting your safety requirements can be costly, either in dollars or even with your

Top Ten Garage Door Trivia Tidbits

T goes up, it goes down. But a new garage door can do a lot more. A whole lot more. Bet you didn’t know that a new garage door … … Can increase the value of your home. An online survey says that 71% of homeowners who recently replaced their garage door believe it increased

Garage Door Operation – Kansas City

A homeowner’s guide to the garage door and how it works. One of the most overlooked “appliances” in your home is the garage door. You press a button. It goes up. It goes down. Simple, right? Not really. Like every other mechanical device you own – your cars, your kitchen and laundry appliances and your

Garage Door Design Tips

What's New in Garage Doors? ERE'S a quick test for your decorating sense: walk outside your house directly toward the curb. Now stop and turn around. What's the first thing you see? Chances are it could be a gorgeous pre built 2 car garage that you've just invested in, but let's be honest, it's more