Garage Door Service

Beyond the Garage Door: Professional Door Dealers Hot New Products

They say you can’t have peanut butter without jelly. The same goes for a number of products in the overhead door and access-control industry. And just like peanut butter, the door, operator or gate often gets all the glory. Still the parts that aid in the smooth and safe operation of those products are equally

Overhead & Garage Door Professional Repair and Installation Services

Most if not all garage door companies offer professional repair and installation services for garage doors and garage door openers along with their component parts. Garage door companies employ professional, well trained technicians whose range of services include repair, maintenance, and installation of all types of residential and commercial garage doors and openers, door springs,

A New Generation of Garage Doors

It's not every day that you're in the market for a new garage door. So if you think you know what to expect when shopping for a new one or feel that current models are the same as your 15-year-old door, you're in for a surprise. Today's doors are stronger, more secure and better insulated,

5 Reasons to Replace Your Garage Door Opener

Garage door openers are fairly simple mechanisms that tend to last a long time. Even if yours is still working fine, there are good reasons to consider replacing it. Newer models offer increased safety, security and convenience. Here are some of the primary reasons why you might want to install a new garage door opener.

Top 10 Garage Door Safety Tips

Garages are great for a whole range of reasons—storage, home projects, play—but, for all of those reasons, they can also pose safety and security challenges. Through the International Door Association (IDA) and the Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA), the Overhead Door Corporation has prepared this list of garage door safety tips for keeping

How To Quiet a Noisy Garage Door

A noisy garage door can be a serious disruption, especially if anyone is sleeping above or next to the garage. As long as the door is opening and closing properly, it is usually pretty simple to reduce the racket. 1. Tighten the nuts With a socket wrench or adjustable wrench, tighten all nuts on the

Carriage House Style Garage Doors Still Most Popular

No more plain vanilla garage doors for today’s homeowners. According to a report published by Door & Access magazine, one out of every five residential garage doors sold in North America today is a carriage house style door. Clopay’s Gallery Collection ranks among the top 5 most popular carriage house style garage doors sold by

What Does a Garage Door Say About Its Owner?

In June, Window & Door, an online publication of the National Glass Association, released an article called “What the Color of a Door Says.”  The article was referring to entry doors, and the Therma Tru Doors national color expert, Kate Smith, was advising homeowners to match the color of their entry door to their personalities,

Steel Door Pioneer Remembered

On May 15, Aldo Romanelli died at the age of 85. He has long been recognized as the engineer who co-developed the industry’s first steel raised-panel garage door and the first Stanley raisedpanel entry door. Romanelli came to the U.S. from Italy in 1928 and hung his first door in 1936 in Detroit, Mich. In

Happy 4th of July from C.H.I. Accent Garage Doors

C.H.I. Accents Images Garage Doors C.H.I.’s Accents Images claimed a clear second place in our “Hottest New Products” poll. The company’s Accents line of decorative-painted steel doors has two categories: Wood-tones and Images. Wood-tones have been available for more than a year, but the new Images collection is what commanded attention at Expo 2013. At